Choose a note to find your everyday life

Romantic Love

Today, I stopped to look at my love and noticed the color in her hair, and the pores in her skin, and regretted everyday that I hadn’t reminded myself of why I am her’s.
?? 7/18/23

Í undanförnu dögunum tók ég eftir að ég er ástfanginn. Það er líka hluti hversdagsins. Vonandi hittumst við í næstu viku á þriðjudaginn. Þá ætla ég að segja henni að mér finnst hana frábæra… Ég er mjög æstur.
Hún heitir Steffi. 25.08.23

Romantic Love
I met my boyfriend 1 year ago. We were just friends at first but I started to have feelings for him. One day he came to me and I realized I love his eyes and he was just beautiful for me. A month after we spent a night with our friends and we talked a lot. Now we’re dating. We’re young (me: 15y. He: 16y.) but we like each other very much. I hope this will last forever. He’s my first love. ??

14.6.23 Pam Copeland, Australia
I met my beautiful husband, Richard in 1992 on a blind date! We were like best friends from the start, He is everything to me, and I enjoy every moment with him. He’s funny and caring and if course very handsome!! I consider myself to be very lucky to be his wife.

July 18, 2023
We met in August 2022. The first thing I noticed was his dark curly hair & kind, down-turned eyes. He appeared kind, confident, and gentle. Our first date was a concert. I remember feeling so nervous. I had a good feeling about us, despite it being so early on in our relationship. Evan is someone I can imagine myself spending my life with. I’m excited to travel the world & experience adventures together.

Vi kom til Ísafjörður for at lære islensk på Háskolasetrið Vestfjaðra.
Vi gik tur om aftenen og så solnedgangen ved Pollurinn, havde vores første date på Tjöruhusið. Så kyssede vi på havnen (for mig var det første kys). Vi gik op på Lavine Barrikaden og sad sammen og så ud over Ísafjörður.
Nu skal vi snart hjem igen – vi bor langt fra hinanden, men vi skal helt sikkert mødes.

August 2023
I met my husband at an event I should not have been at. Our eyes met and I knew he was the one!!
We married 2 years later – Best thing that has ever happened to me – besides my children.

Romantic Love
I’d come into college thinking I wouldn’t date. I was focused on my academics and no one has especially sparked my interest. I was happy. One year I decided to join my college’s frisbee team. I wanted to get fit in a social setting, and frisbee was a large community at my school. There, I made friends with this one girl. She was if I captured all the sunshine in the world and put it into one heart. With her, I had the most fun in the world- I never felt constrained by my woman that constantly held me down, Just 1 month into our friendship she confessed her feelings for me, I has once convinced myself that she thought of me as a little sister. She is my best friend. She is the one I can spend everyday with. I want to marry her. We are 8 months long distance. I see her in everything I do. It feels bittersweet: a reminder of her presence in my life and a reminder of her absence. I miss her everyday

The previous note felt extra special as my husband handed over to me and I realized it was written the 14.6.23, 14.6 is our wedding day. ??
Next year it will be 10 years since we got married, I’m french, He’s finnish and we have two beautiful French-Finnish kids.
Thanks for the visit,
Another anthropologist

July 17, 23
We just arrived here on a cruise ship. Today is our 30 year wedding anniversary and this trip to Iceland is to celebrate this wonderful milestone. ??
We are having a great time and I hope this is a sign for a fabulous 30 more years together. Wish us luck! – SH
I just realized I can keep writing on this side of the page 🙂 So I’ll keep writing about our anniversary celebration.
We considered other itineraries for this trip, but the image of Iceland – land of fire and ice – sounded like the perfect place to be together and enjoy our special day. Okay, now I’m running out of space. See you next time.

Romantic Love – July 15, 23
It was October 5th, 1998, on my first day in Berlin (I moved there to study at University) I went to a bar with a friend in the evening and then I saw her. I said to my friend that was the kind of girl I would like to spend my life with. I thought I would never see her again as Berline is such a big city. But, artists and students used to go to the same places in east Berlin at night that time. So I met her very often. Until one night my friends pushed me to talk to her. We got on well since the first date. And we lived together after two years. I have no doubt it was destiny which make our paths cross. We have two children and still live in east B.