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Dagar mínir eru alls ekki hversdagslegir í mínum huga. Enginn dagur er eins, og ekki eins og ég hélt að hann yrði. Það gerir alla daga fulla eftirvæntingar. Á kvöldin rifja ég upp það sem á daginn hefur drifið og þakka Guði fyrir hann – og bið fyrir mér og fólkinu mínu.

On déaarwert que ces enfants islandas jousent aussi a 1-2-3 Soleil mais avec d’autres noms.
We discovered that kids here also plays 1-2-3 Sun but with other words.
And it’s fun to play together 🙂

Met some people from Yorkshire and “Oh my friend is from Yorkshire, from Doncaster” just slipped out. My “friend” is a world famous record breaking, earth shattering rock star.

June 20, 2023
Laughing so hard you can’t catch your breath, there are tears in your eyes, and you keep slapping the table/your leg. Those are the best moments in life.
We have a cat who when seeing any birds in the Garden – sits at the window of our house making noises as if swearing at them.

Laughing Out loud… it’s what I do when I find that I have done one more silly thing – like walk into a room and have forgotten why… It is what I do when my grand children giggle… my grand children often make me LOL!
California tourist